Borneo Modofoker


Maikol de Sousa, known as Borneo Modofoker, is a multidisciplinary artist born in the city of Caracas,
Venezuela. His work is characterized by character development, Barbas serving as the starting point for his
own artistic world. Borneo's pieces are deeply infuenced by various creative sources, with a particular focus
on the culture of the late '80s and '90s. However, his creative roots go beyond, fnding inspiration in
personal experiences. As his work evolved, Borneo embraced a more abstract approach. Patterns, shapes,
and gradients become part of a more mature language, in a relentless quest for new layers of beauty and

Currently immersed in the world of ceramics, Borneo dedicates time to exploring and developing this form
of expression while expanding his work into new formats. As an inherently perfectionistic individual,
Borneo channels this characteristic into crafting unique pieces that are not only visually striking but also
refect the complexity of his creative journey.